We thrive on resolving the root causes of imbalance, in addition to treating the symptoms of disease. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help a wide range of conditions. We also provide education for the general public as well as professionals of the latest developments in integrated medicine.

Patients come to us for:

Pain Relief: back pain, neck and shoulder pain, sciatica, heel pain, shingle pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, fibromyalgia, restless legs, feet pain, ankle pain, etc., including swollen, numbness, tingling and weakness

Stress, Anxiety, Depression: ADD, ADHD, emotional disorders and mental disorders

Fertility: assisting natural pregnancy or IVF, IUI

Weight Loss: overweight, obesity, lose 2-5 pounds a week on average

Digestive Disorder: IBS, constipation, diarrhea, ulcers, chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, gallbladder stones, etc.

Respiratory: allergy, rhinitis, sinus, boost immune system and relieve allergic symptoms

Diabetes: lower blood sugar by natural therapy, prevent diabetes and its complications including neuropathy & non-healing sores

Headache: migraine, cluster headache, tension headaches

Women’s Gynecologic Health: PCOS, fibroids, irregular periods, pre-menopause, amenorrhea, painful menses, PMS, endometriosis.

Men’s Diseases and Health: erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low testosterone, prostate issues, low libido

Skin: eczema, shingles, psoriasis, acnes, lupus, facial lifting

Hair loss: alopecia and other hair loss

Insomnia, Sleep disorder

Anti-Aging: memory loss, hearing loss, tinnitus, poor vision, chronic fatigue, facial rejuvenation

Brain Degeneration Disorders: Parkinson’s diseases, Alzheimer’s, Dementia

Sequelae of Stroke: hemiplegia, weakness of extremities

Bell’s Palsy: facial paralysis

Cancer Complementary Therapy: dried mouth, lymphedema, nausea, belching, cancer pain

Symptoms associated with cancer therapies: Acupuncture and herbal medicine are known to play a very useful role as complementary treatments of conditions related to cancer. Issues such as pain, weakness and other physical and mental complications can be dealt with in a very effective way. Such an integrated approach offers a tremendous advantage for improving quality of life of cancer patients.

Cardia-Vascular Disorder: high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglyceride

Autoimmune Diseases: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus, lyme disease chronic, Meniere’s disease, etc.

Eye Diseases and Disorders: blurred vision, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), dry eyes (xerophthalmia), and many other conditions.

Hemiparalysis, or hemiplegia, is a common condition of severe cerebrovascular incidents such as stroke. Traditional western medicine offers very little help in the recovery of hemiparalysis. Physical therapy is helpful, but acupuncture is by far the best choice in treating this very debilitating condition.

Complications of diabetes such as neuropathy & non-healing skin sores

All kinds of pains including numbness and weakness. Acupuncture is best known for its ability of treating all kinds of pain.

Emotional issues (anxiety, depression, autism, ADHD, PTSD)

Acupuncture is very effective in treating emotional conditions. One of the biggest advantages is that it is not addictive and has no side effect. In this regard, it is superior to the western medical treatment, which almost always leads to side effects.

Sleep disorder

Insomnia is a very common condition in our society due to stressful life. Acupuncture has been proven to be extremely effective in adjusting body’s inner working in both mental and physical levels so as to improve sleeping conditions. In particular, no side effects are involved in the process.

Smoke cessation

Acupuncture is amazingly effective in helping patients to quit smoking. For many patients, only one treatment is enough to stop for example a 20-year-long tobacco addiction.

Issues associated with cardiovascular diseases

Combined application of acupuncture and herbs can dramatically stabilize and improve conditions associated with, for example, coronary heart diseases. In this line, several patterned herbal formula are under Phase 3 clinic trial in FDA indicating the effectiveness of the approach.

Arthritis problems (gouts, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.)

Arthritis, regardless its type, is a very debilitating disease. At late stages, patients suffer from deformation of joints, pain, and many other severe health issues. Acupuncture is very effective in easing the stiffness of joints, improving mobility of patients, and slowing down the progression of diseases.

Our special programs

Special weight loss program

Our special acupuncture technique, combined with herbal formula, can reduce one’s appetite and minimize craving for unhealthy foods such as greasy meats. We help our patients successfully shrinking their waist size maximally up to 0.5-1.5 inches in a week or two.

Sexual dysfunctions and infertility

Sexual dysfunctions of both male and female are in general within the scope of Chinese medicine. Issues such as erectile dysfunction (ED) are routinely dealt with in acupuncture clinics. Other conditions include low sperm count or low sperm mobility etc. However, if the problem is erectile dysfunction you could buy sildenafil here from Menschem and other companies to get more treatment for the problem and help you.

In particular, IVF (in vitro fertilization), as a revolutionary medical technique that helps so many people to fulfill their dreams of having babies, benefits tremendously from Chinese medicine. Modern biology offers limited successful rate for the implantation in mother’s uterus making IVF procedure very costly and risky. Acupuncture can triple the successful rate of IVF, sometimes up to 70-80%. This is a very exciting perspective in terms of the application of acupuncture.